with SmartKlean® Laundry Ball
How does our laundry ball stack up to name brand detergents? To help you take the guesswork out of the equation we have created this
chart to give you a quick look at how they all compare. Here's a
comparison of features across the board from price per load
to how healthy and eco-friendly each option is.


Energy Efficient
A whopping 90% of the energy used by a washing machine often goes to just heat the water. SmartKlean® Laundry Ball washes all fabrics effectively in cold water. On average, if using hot water only 1/3 of washes, this perk alone can save about $83 per year with top loader machines and about $65 with HE / front loaders per year.*

Water Efficient
SmartKlean® produces no suds, which means no rinse cycles are necessary! By setting the wash to 'quick wash' or skipping the rinse cycle you can save approximately 2,000-8,000 gallons of water throughout the laundry ball's lifespan or an estimated $33 - $44 per year only on rinse cycles.**

Maintains & Preserves Clothing Quality
Detergent residues (conventional and eco-friendly) are harsh on fabrics and damage the stretch, color, texture, and breathability of garments overtime. SmartKlean® washes without leaving any traces on your garments, and removes detergent residues from clothes after just a few washes. It keeps clothing naturally soft, vibrant, smooth, and looking like new for much longer.

Protects Our Waters & Oceans
One SmartKlean® Laundry Ball can prevent 8-16 gallons of chemicals from entering our water systems and treatment plants. Although their filters and special chemicals remove solids, grit and other wastes, many of these treatment plants cannot filter out all hazardous chemicals. Much of the chemical run off that comes from laundry detergent still reach and jeopardize our precious aquatic systems, including 'Eco-friendly' laundry detergents that often contain SLS and SLES.***

Protects Our Air & Land
Significantly reduces plastic pollution: SmartKlean® replaces laundry detergent, fabric softeners and dryer sheets for 1-3 years. Although some of the packaging for these products are said to be recyclable, 93% of plastics are not recycled according to the Plastic Pollution Coalition.**** In addition, the manufacturing processes of plastic laundry products are petroleum-based and consume large amounts of resources as well as emit toxic gases into our atmosphere.

If every household in the U.S. replaced their 50 oz. petroleum-based laundry detergent with one SmartKlean® Laundry Ball, we could save 1,165,000 barrels of oil - enough to heat and cool 67,000 U.S. homes for a year!
If every household in the U.S. replaced a year’s worth of polyester fabric softener sheets with one SmartKlean Laundry Ball, and recycled after use, we could prevent 29,600 tons
of solid waste from entering our landfills,
equivalent to 3,120 garbage trucks!
If America made the switch
to SmartKlean® Laundry Ball
* Hot/Warm settings use 4.5 kWh of electrical use costing 68 cents per load, averaging to $265 per year. Warm /Warm settings cost 53 cents per load and $206 per year on average. Source & Calculator.
** Top loader washing machines use about 20 gallons for rinse cycles. HE / Front loaders use about 8-15 gallons for rinse cycles. This means that detergents require an average of 3,000-8,000 gallons of water per year. With top loaders, SmartKlean saves about 6,000 – 7,800 gallons of water per year. With front-loaders, SmartKlean saves anywhere from 2,400 – 5,850 gallons of water. The average cost of water utilities in the U.S is about $5.50 per 1000 gallons. Source & Calculator.
Formula: x gallons of water used in ea. rinse cycle times x number of household laundry washes per year (based on an average of 300-390 loads per year).
*** Depending on manufacturing processes, sodium laureth sulfate may be contaminated with measurable amounts of ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane. The International Agency for Research on Cancer ethylene oxide as a known human carcinogen and 1,4-dioxane as a possible human carcinogen. 1,4-dioxane is also persistent. In other words, it doesn’t easily degrade and can remain in the environment. Source.
****Recent data shows that only 9% of all plastic ever discarded since 1950 has been recycled, and the rest became pollution in landfills, dumpsites, incinerator emissions, or oceans, where it will remain for millennia.